Friday, November 13, 2009

Confessions of a Counselor

*DISCLAIMER* This blog is real and personal. It is written in hopes of receiving prayer and advice on how to deal with family*

My name is Ashley.. and I have a problem. Yes.. the counselor has problems too.

My grandmother is and always has been a strong part of my life. She raised me, prayed for me, loved me and as I got older, listened to me. Over the last two years however, she has transitioned (physically and mentally) and become a different granny. The house she once lived in was bought and sold with no warning, forcing her to move into a senior citizens home in the worst part of our city. From there, she stopped working, eating and became just mean! And.. its my granny, so for me to admit this means something is different and its scary yet realistic. I would call her and she would be so rude, I would hang up the phone and just cry. I repeatedly asked God, 'what's wrong.. why is she acting like this?!' I chalked it up to her being in a depressing environment.. she never wanted to go anywhere. She stopped being active and it really bothered our family.

Then last November, my grandmother just decided she was going to leave and move to St. Louis with her daughter. I (being so smart ;), knew this was a bad (and I mean BAD) idea and eventually, this arrangement did not work (but, the outcome came with much, MUCH drama!). In April of this year, granny moved to Florida, which was assumed by my mother, uncle and I, to be the best option. Now.. here we are, one year later and my granny is back in East Chicago (again, with much drama!).

*Now, here is the kicker*

When Jocelyn was born, my grandmother came to visit. We had an incident that caused an emotional mess..She could not remember birthing my mother.. my mother was her sister (to granny). My good friend was here when this incident happened and it only got worse from there. I began researching Alzheimer's and Dementia. She was forgetting very important things and became even more mean.. like, she had a chip on her shoulder! All the time!

This situation became so emotionally draining, I had to step aside and ask: Lord.. how can this happen to my grandmother? Why is she so mean? What if she doesn't have Alzheimer's/Dementia? What now? How do we mend the broken relationships that have been caused by the decisions of my granny/family? Why are my mother and I the only ones who would entertain the idea Alzheimer's/Dementia? How does this affect my husband and my daughter?

Its granny is my homie and she's changing.. It's easier to accept when people are younger and they change, but when someone you have known for 20+ years, drastically changes.. its hard.. and sad. I love my granny.. but I'm unsure of how to feel, how to proceed. Now what?

Bearing it all,
Mrs. G

1 comment:

  1. Ashley although I know you know this but you must pray and accept the fact that Granny is changing. Once you accept it will be easier to deal with her. Do all you can to understand what is going on with her. The fact is she probably doesn't even realize whats going on herself. Next you and your mom, aunt, and uncle must be patient with her and try to make her enviornment as comfortable as you can for her. I know its hard because she is not who you once knew, but through all of this she still loves you. As you said Granny took care of you now its time for you to take care of her. Try to see if you can find some support groups that can help you with Granny's condition and/or find someone who has gone through the samething and can understand how you and your family is feeling. Again, most of all you must go to God in pray and ask for patients and understanding. The love that you and Granny have for one another will always endure, even when she is being mean and difficult. Spend as much time with her now, no matter what let her know she is loved. I know it is difficult but do your best not to get frustrated and angry with her. Talk to her when she dosen't remember help her remember show her pictures and explain what is happening in them. God will see your family though this, so please don't be said give God praise for the time that you have and have had with her. In this situation I know you will find strength to not only take care of Granny, but it will also make you a better woman and a better mom. You know you are always in my prayers and I will always be here for you so call me no matter what time of day or night. I love you and I know you all will be alright. I love you and stay strong, God knows what he is doing. May God continue to Bless you and your family.

    P.S. Tell Granny I said What uuppp!!! lol xoxoxox
