Saturday, April 24, 2010

Much Needed Prayers

The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much (James 5:16b).

Recently, I have been going through! I mean.. I can't tell if I'm coming or going. There are so many situations going on in my life and my family, that I am just mentally exhausted! Focusing on one thought daily, has become tedious.. and its get hard to keep going. I have great days because Jeremy and Jocelyn motivate me and my God teaches me, but the bad days are so low.. I feel like I could literally crawl under a rock and stay there.

So, this blog is to ask you to pray with and for me. Familial, we've got some big changes coming up and, God is moving in The Gilmore Ministry.. But, dealing with the world can be overwhelming.. so, please during your prayer time, mediation time, talks with the Master.. kindly whisper my name, for strength, peace and for my family.

On Bended Knee,
~Mrs. G

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Virtue of Patience

You know.. today has truly been a test of patience. And, I think.. no, I know I failed. My granny is visiting for the Easter holiday and to give my mom a break. When she came to visit while Jeremy was in Africa (by the way check out his blog.., things were ok for the most part. During that visit however, I knew the Alzheimer's has claimed some more brain cells and that this battle, was only going to get worse. My granny told me that I was not her granddaughter and basically, she didn't know who I was. Because I was so busy, I couldn't cry or even think about it until I was on my way back to Bloomington and it hurt.. To know the granny, I love so dearly.. my homie.. didn't and couldn't return that love. Alzheimer's is a beast!

Fast forward to today.. I brought my granny back to Bloomington and I think I may be regretting that move. When I met my Aunt in Indianapolis to pick granny up, she was wearing a gown and said it was a dress.. I knew then, in just 3 short weeks, she was deteriorating, quickly. When we got home, the stuff hit the fan! She thought I was her sister and just snapped! I became all types of names.. liar, thief, low-down and what made it worse.. she told Jocelyn was not my daughter.. in front of my daughter! Now.. you may think that is not a big deal or she's not in her right mind.. but, it js hard to still deal with that! So, the virtue of patience kicks in. Instead of yelling back, I calmly explained to my granny that she has a disease that causes her to not remember who I am, where she is or what day of the week it is. That did not calm her down and she said she was leaving (now, here I did get huffy.. but not loud) So.. in an effort to maintain my coolness, Jocey and I left the house. I tried to call my best friends and just like I knew He would, God allowed both to be busy. So, I drove in silence and prayed for strength and extra patience.

I know the Lord is teaching me how to be patient and to understand the aging process, but its getting hard.. and, I'm losing it.. slowly. So, please, please, PUH-lease pray that I am able to maintain sanity this week, not only for my own health, but for my family. When my grandmother leaves, we have to still live here and we like our peace! Lift us up, ya''s hard out here in B-town!

Losing Patience,
~Mrs. G