Thursday, August 4, 2011

There's Power in Patience

Welp-- patience is truly a virtue. When relocating to Durham, as you know, I did not have a job. Within 20 days of us being here, I was hired as a Purchasing Assistant for Procurement here at Duke, ordering medical and athletic supplies for the health system and the athletic department. And to say the least, I was so unhappy because I felt like I worked hard to obtain a Master's degree and felt like I shouldn't have to start over in an administrative role. So--I looked for jobs, I cried- a lot and asked God, why is this happening? I applied to several jobs, took the Praxis 2 to become a licensed school counselor--anything to utilize my degree and to work a job where I was happy, mentally, emotionally, etc.

At the beginning of this year, I prayed and declared to God that by August 1, I wanted to be in a different position--one where I could utilize the talents God provided but also to pay back my school loans! :) And then.. July came and time moved so fast. I started wondering if I would ever leave this position. But the Spirit kept telling me to be patient.. to pray and to praise. And on July 7, I applied for a job that had its base in the Divinity School. I applied and after two interviews, much prayer and very little talking, I was offered the position! I am sooo grateful! And once again, I have learned a lesson in patience

The position is a Program Coordinator for Leadership Education at Duke Divinity. I coordinate a summer program that teaches rising juniors the purpose of worship, ordinances of the church in addition to procurement responsibilities. How cool is that?! It's sooo me!

I thank God that He heard my declaration for a new position by August 1; I praise God because He taught me to again, be patient and to depend on Him; I honor God because He taught me to fight for what I want. I'm grateful. I say this to say-- pray, praise and honor God--before while in the storm. And, most of all, be patient! What He does for one, He'll do for you!

Patiently Coordinating,
~Mrs. G


  1. I am very happy for you Ash! It is true, God will never give us something we can't handle. His plan is set and we just have to ride the wave and work at what we want because He will not hand it to us. As much as He loves us and wants the best for us we cannot stand still and wait for Him to do the work. you put in your work of effort, prayer and belief. And look where you are now. Kudos to you and Him! Lol! Congrats again!

  2. Congrats my sister!

    I expect big things from the Gilmore's.
