Monday, March 8, 2010

The Gilmore's- 10 Year Update

On Thursday, Jeremy and I will have been together (as a couple) for 10 (count them..10!) years! In 2000, I don't know where I saw our relationship going but over the last 10 years, I truly appreciate where our relationship has come from and where we are going.

The first five years were pretty good. We communicated and grew together and eventually grew apart.

*Let me first say that without mad counseling and the Lord, Jeremy and I would not be husband and wife. See, in 2005, when we both graduated with our 1st degrees, our relationship was in shambles. I was an unfaithful girlfriend who liked to party and he was a busy boyfriend, preaching the Gospel. Not a good match..or so we thought. We had been engaged for a year on the day I graduated and Jeremy knew what his next step was.. and I didn't. I had no idea what to do with my life and I felt like he was leaving me behind. Yet, instead of me communicating this with him, I sought companionship in someone else. This drove a further wedge between our relationship.

I was in East Chicago and Jeremy was still in Bloomington working for a summer program. The distance put a strain on our communicating and we barely talked. So, I drove to Bloomington in so that Jeremy and I can end our engagement and eventually, our relationship.

However..there was a ram in the bush.. Jesus, prayer and counseling, communicating and faith, saved our relationship.. and here we are today.. happy, learning, growing and exploring. And while I have complained about Rev. G, he stood by me when I was learning me and he's helped me see the good in me and other people. I truly appreciate him! After all the drama, mess and foolishness, Jeremy noticed something in me, that I didn't and stuck it out. And, I'm grateful.

So.. I dedicate this post to my baby daddy, my ultimate best friend, the man that makes me laugh everyday and my pastor.. Happy 10 years, Jeremy. I look forward to many more years with you.

Gotta a mighty, mighty good man,
~Mrs. G


  1. Beautiful...I'm so glad that the Lord brought you our way (to the family life group that is). I love hearing what the Lord has done...nothing can stop what HE does!! =)

  2. Ashley, I am sooooo excited about this testimony! I have known you since you were a youngin and have definitely enjoyed seeing the growth and maturity. Now you are a wife and mother. Wow...God is good! I love you and praise God for having gotten to know you. You are an awesome person and I am glad that God allowed you to see that and has given you an awesome man of God to grow with! Love you and thanks again for sharing this testimony! Many more years to you...smooches!

  3. Absolutely beautiful. That's what I'm talking bout! God knows what's best. Awesome testimony!
